The bill in Ireland seeks to legalise and regulate cannabis products for those suffering serious illnesses, as well as people who live with chronic pain.
It is the latest in a series of moves by politicians around the world to make marijuana legal for medical use. A school in New Jersey, USA, has even allowed the compound to be administered to pupils by a parent or guardian.
Legalisation in the UK
In the UK, patients still risk prison when growing the plant, even though the medicinal value cannot be denied anymore.
Cannabis is STILL a Class B drug in the UK. Possession is punishable by five years in prison, while those caught supplying it at the very worst could receive a 14-year sentence.
It’s a big win for patients in Ireland, we hope they will end up having full access to the plant, including the full spectrum extracts they need.
With medical legalisation looming in many countries, you have to wonder if this will include the right to grow your own at home, as it is in many U.S states, or if it will only include pharmaceutical drugs, which utilise the miracle plants compounds in isolated form.
Either way it’s another step in the right direction to end the stigma attached to the cannabis plant, and we hope the UK won’t be too far behind in doing the same.